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24/25 School Year ICSJ Early Learners Program

The ICSJ Early Learners Program will meet on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:00 AM in a Preschool room. The program will run from Tuesday, March 25 through Tuesday, May 27, 2025. All classes will be held at the North Park Campus (1431 N North Park Avenue) in a classroom modeled after our PreK Classrooms.

Cost for this 10 week session is $400.  

This is a "Caregiver and Me" class giving parents or other caregivers the opportunity to actively participate along side your little one every step of the way during this precurser to drop-off Preschool. Each class will include story time, a craft activity, snack time, and free play/center time. When weather permits, the group will also play in our secure outdoor early childhood play area, complete with a play structure and sensory table.

Students must be 20 months old by the start of the session. Students registered for Early Learners might also enjoy our Little Dolphins Music and Movement Class which runs on Thursdays from 9-10 am. More information on Little Dolphins can be found on our website. Registration for Little Dolphins is on a separate form. 

We will need 5 paid registrants for the class to run. If the class isn't filled, you will be provided a full refund. 

Registration is offered on a first-come, first-served basis, and capacity is limited to 10 students. Once capacity is reached, applicants will be placed on a waitlist and notified when space becomes available.

Please complete the form below. Required fields marked *
Child's Gender*
Answer Required
Parent/Guardian #1 - Relationship to Applicant*
Answer Required
Parent/Guardian #2 - Relationship to Applicant*
Answer Required
Confirmation Email