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Sacrament Preparation

At ICSJ, Catholic students have the opportunity to prepare for and receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation as part of their religious education curriculum. Preparation is guided by the Religious Education Coordinator, the pastor, and grade-level teachers throughout the school year. Sacraments are celebrated annually at St. Joseph Church, located at 1107 N. Orleans Street.


Non-Catholic students engage in religion as an academic subject, exploring topics that encourage discussion of their own family’s religious customs and beliefs alongside Catholic traditions. This inclusive approach fosters mutual respect and understanding among all students. Non-Catholic students are warmly invited to attend sacramental ceremonies and celebrate these milestones with their classmates.


Sacrament Schedule:

  • 2nd Grade:
    • First Reconciliation – December
    • First Communion – April/May
  • 8th Grade:
    • Confirmation – February/March